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The cause of hypertension in most people is unknown and is referred to as 'essential,' 'idiopathic' or 'primary' hypertension.
What is the Medical Approach to Blood Pressure?
Most MDs attempt to lower blood pressure with prescription dugs. While there is some logic to that approach, the deeper questions of "What is causing the blood pressure to rise,' 'Is high blood pressure serving a purpose?' and 'Are we just treating symptoms?' are usually not addressed. One physician in discussing this states that high blood pressure "...really isn't a disease in itself but is rather a symptom of smoking, obesity, or perhaps inactivity... perhaps physicians should stop taking blood pressures and should start weighing people and asking them about exercise, diet, smoking, and work habits.".
Most MDs attempt to lower blood pressure with prescription dugs. While there is some logic to that approach, the deeper questions of "What is causing the blood pressure to rise,' 'Is high blood pressure serving a purpose?' and 'Are we just treating symptoms?' are usually not addressed. One physician in discussing this states that high blood pressure "...really isn't a disease in itself but is rather a symptom of smoking, obesity, or perhaps inactivity... perhaps physicians should stop taking blood pressures and should start weighing people and asking them about exercise, diet, smoking, and work habits."
A possible role of high blood pressure for some people may be that it is a defense against damage to your brain and spinal cord caused by an unbalanced spinal column and body structure. An elevated blood pressure may help protect your brain and spinal cord from compression due to spine and structural stress. However your body cannot keep this form of "protection" around indefinitely. Eventually the elevated blood pressure can cause serious health problems so the underlying cause should be addressed.
One of the best things you can do for your blood pressure, as well as the reso of your body, is to see a doctor of chiropractic. Doctors of chiropractic perform spinal adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations or spinal nerve stress which upset body balance and never health. For over a century chiropractic care has been a drug-free blessing to millions of people who thought they would have to face a life of medication. Chiropractic journals have often described the blood pressure normalizing effects that gentle, painless chiropractic spinal adjustments have on individuals.
Chiropractic corrects a serious form of stress, spinal nerve stress (subluxations), that interferes with normal body function. But chiropractic is also a philosophy that teaches us to remove all interferes with normal body function. But chiropractic is also a philosophy that teaches us to remove all interferences to body function, and to seek out more natural, conservative methods before submitting to more radical (i.e. drug and surgical) approaches. Proper nutrition exercise, rest and emotional care along with a healthy spine are all vital for optimal well-being.
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